Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Today, our teacher showed a video about showing one day on Earth with pictures and really short videos. The video was just an trailer about expressing any part of your life in one day. The video shows the good and bad moments the Earth is coming through, the starvation, pollution, wars, but also the happiness of people who live in peace with each other. It makes you think about the problems that we are ignoring and we should do something about it. It is really good because it makes you think about your life and what are you doing with it. It really gives you the idea of showing your life in a 24 hour period, expressing how you identify yourself and things that you like. Our life could be represented in any way, videos, pictures, sound....anything thing we love to do.

The video shows very powerful scenes that are occurring today on the world. For example, the one-leg man that high jumped a height of 1.80 meters.
That short video has a great impact because it makes you think, what are you doing with your legs? Just sitting all the time in front of a computer doing nothing productive. In the video, there are many things that really get into your mind. It gives you the idea of changing the world, making it better for all the living things. Actually, we can do that if we put it as a purpose, making that every single person think about what is happening today in the world, encouraging everybody to make everything better.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Fuel Efficiency

During the last days, we have been working with Excel measuring the amount of fuel we waste every day, week, and year. We measured the amount of fuel our cars, dreamed cars, and hybrid cars use. There is a variation in Liters/Km. between the cars, but all waste fuel. We also measured the amount of fuel wasted by alternative means of transportation. If we multiply the amount of cars in Puerto Vallarta and the amount of fuel each wastes, that's a lot of fuel. Hybrid cars are better than normal cars because they can use electric energy as a fuel. They also are made from organic products.
After looking at the huge oil spill, I realized that the use of fuels is very dangerous for the environment. During the worst oil spill 464 sea turtles and 60 dolphins were found dead at the spill area. The owners of the BP are trying to clean this mess up, but it is a huge quantity they spilled up, 190 millions gallons of oil in three months.
I wan to have my own car but I know it will harm the environment. It would be nice to have one but after I remember this events I prefer to wait until I really need it.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Measuring With Google Earth

Since two weeks ago we have been working with Google Earth. Now, Mr. Picketts assigned us to do a chart with the amount of gasoline we use per year while we go to school, a total of 185 days . My 2008 Ford Pick-up Limited FFV 4WD uses 817.948 liters per year, I think that's pretty much fuel for just one car. My dream car,2011 Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder spends less fuel (736.4666 L,), but is smaller than the Pick-up I have. In a way it is better because it spends less gasoline, but it is a small car, so I think my Pick- up is better in a way. Now, I think that my car spends a high quantity of gasoline, but almost every car spends the same.

2008 Ford Pick-up Limited FFV 4WD

26.1 L/100 Km. 2.21067 11.05335 408.974 $3,680.77
2011 Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder

23.5 L/ !00 Km. 1.99045 9.95225 368.2333 $3,314.10
2011 Honda Civic Hybrid

5.9 L/100 Km. 0.99946
185.9001 $1,673.10
2011 Mercury Mariner Hybrid 4WD

7.8 L/100 Km. 1.32132
244.4442 $2,200.00